By Nele Ewers-Peters, PhD researcher at the Global Europe Centre, University of Kent. This article also features on the Global Europe Blog.
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Why the EU needs the UK - A Security Perspective
Most of the current discussions on the possible ‘Brexit’ — the United
Kingdom leaving the European Union — are concerned with issues of the Eurozone
and its economic implications, the ongoing migration and refugee crisis, and
the potential economic, political and social consequences for the UK in case of
leaving the EU. What has been missing from the heated debates though, is the
question about the implications of the Brexit for the EU’s Common Security and
Defence Policy (CSDP) as well as the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP).
During the Cold War, European states relied on the security community in the
form of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation. With the fall of the iron
curtain and the disintegration of the Soviet Union, and thus the downfall of
the biggest threat to Western states, the EU slowly developed its own security
and defence structures. In 2003, the Union declared its full operability and
launched two of its exemplary military operations, Operation Concordia in the
FYRO Macedonia and Operation Althea in Bosnia Herzegovina. So far, the EU has
launched 22 civilian missions and 9 military operations. In several of these
operations, the United Kingdom played a significant role in terms of
operational planning and contributing military capabilities. What would
therefore happen to the EU’s security and defence structures as well as its
military capabilities if the UK were to exit? How will it cope without the contributions
of the UK in future operations?
The UK’s Position in the EU’s Security and Defence Structures
In most of the EU’s military operations, the UK has played a key role.
The Union’s operational headquarters are situated in Northwood, just north of
London. The UK maintains a great share of the overall defence budget of the 28
member states. Even though it has often hampered the process of developing the
EU’s security and defence structures further, it remains as one of the most
important contributors to operations under CSDP. The EU’s overall military
expenditure amounts to €192.5 million and with €43.7million, UK’s military expenditure represents more than a fifth (22.7%) of the EU’s expenditure. Also, it
possesses the second biggest troop contingent and has currently deployed a
great quantity of its personnel in current military operations as well as
civilian missions, such as in Bosnia Herzegovina under Operation Althea which
was taken over from NATO under British command. And in the case of Operation
Concordia, the UK was even among the key actors in brokering the peace deal
between the conflicting groups. By signing the Franco-British Joint Declaration
in St. Malo in 1998, the UK has committed itself for a defence policy on the EU
level and thus paved the way for further developments. This demonstrates the
country’s importance to the Union’s operability and effectiveness as a military
Brexit’s Implications for CSDP
Without the United Kingdom, the European Union might not be able to make
such contributions to future military operations. Numerous questions concerning
the relationship between the UK and the EU would need to be raised especially in security terms. What would happen to operational planning of
future CSDP operations? How would the EU deal with a decreased military budget
and less military personnel? And since the UK is the most important linkage
between Europe and North America, what implications would a European Union
without the UK have for future EU-NATO relations
Regarding all of these questions, the EU and especially its security and defence policy would not make such a good image. This would then have negative effects on Europe's role on the global stage. The EU would lack a great amount of important personnel, strategic planning capabilities, as well as potentially lose its operational headquarters. Unless the UK would become a strategic partner of the EU and still participate in operations under CSDP, the Union would not be able to develop its security and defence structures any further and the desire to become a global player would once again be at stake. As far as EU-NATO relations are concerned, the gap might become even wider. This special relationship already suffers from deeply rooted issues between its member states. Having another European member state without EU membership would complicate relations further, especially in terms of collecting and exchanging intelligence as well as sharing military capabilities and assets.
Regarding all of these questions, the EU and especially its security and defence policy would not make such a good image. This would then have negative effects on Europe's role on the global stage. The EU would lack a great amount of important personnel, strategic planning capabilities, as well as potentially lose its operational headquarters. Unless the UK would become a strategic partner of the EU and still participate in operations under CSDP, the Union would not be able to develop its security and defence structures any further and the desire to become a global player would once again be at stake. As far as EU-NATO relations are concerned, the gap might become even wider. This special relationship already suffers from deeply rooted issues between its member states. Having another European member state without EU membership would complicate relations further, especially in terms of collecting and exchanging intelligence as well as sharing military capabilities and assets.
Brexit would thus have severe implications for the EU as a security and
defence actor not only in Europe but also beyond its borders. It is therefore
essential, from the European security perspective, for the United Kingdom to
remain in the European Union.